

  [摘要] 目的:研究股四头肌肌构筑特征和肌梭分布,测定神经入肌点,为股四头肌的临床肌移植提供形态学资料。方法:用大体解剖法解剖并观察测量20具尸体股四头肌的肌构筑学特征,并以髂前上棘为骨性标志,定位股四头肌神经入肌点;用组织学H-E染色法研究5具尸体股四头肌肌梭分布。结果:股四头肌是由股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌和股中间肌4块肌组成,肌质量分别为(158.7±10.5) g、(351.5±66.8) g、(521.9±72.6) g和(303.1±44.5) g;肌长分别为(30.2±2.0) cm、(31.5±2.7) cm、(31.0±3.2) cm和(28.8±2.8) cm;肌纤维长分别为(6.7±1.8) cm、(9.2±2.0) cm、(8.8±1.6) cm和(9.0±1.5) cm;羽状角分别为(17.1±2.3)°、(18.6±2.3)°、(15.5±2.8)°和(10.5±1.6)°;生理横切面积分别为(22.4±3.1) cm2、(34.6±4.3) cm2、(53.8±5.8) cm2和(32.5±4.6) cm2;平均肌梭密度分别为19.38个/g、21.93个/g、20.18个/g和18.64个/g。神经入肌点分别为股直肌有2个神经入肌点分别距髂前上棘(10.23±0.97) cm 和(14.48±1.12) cm;股内侧肌的神经入肌点为(9.85±1.28) cm;股外侧肌有2个分别为(11.88±1.34) cm 和(13.98±2.55) cm;股中间肌的神经入肌点为(9.23±1.65) cm。结论:股四头肌的4块肌均属于羽肌,是伸膝关节的产力肌;股四头肌肌构筑学特点反映了其在肌体中的功能;股四头肌不同肌块之间以及同一肌各部之间密度不等,各肌的上部均比其中、下部肌梭密度高;股四头肌的神经入肌点均集中在股前上部第2区内。
  [关键词] 神经入肌点;肌构筑;肌梭;股四头肌;人
  [中图分类号] R322.7+4 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2011)07(a)-009-03
  The anatomical research of the quadriceps femoris and it′s clinical significance
  ZHANG Hongwu1, XUE Qian2*, YANG Yuping3
  1.Department of Anatomy, the Zhuhai Campus of Zunyi Medical College, Guangdong Province, Zhuhai519041, China; 2.Department of Anatomy, Zunyi Medical College, Guizhou Province, Zunyi563003, China; 3.Faculty Office of Medical Science of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510080, China
  [Abstract] Objective: To provide a morphologic basis for clinical application by determining the muscle architecture and the muscle spindle and the nerve entering point within human quadriceps femoris(QF). Methods: Architectural feature and the nerve entering point of QF was studied by using the gross-anatomy from 20 human adult cadavers; The muscle spindle distribution of QF was studied by using the H-E staining technique and stereology method from 5 human adult cadavers. Results: QF was composed of rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius, and in which the average muscle mass were (158.7±10.5) g, (351.5±66.8) g, (521.9±72.6) g and (303.1±44.5) g, respectively; the muscle length were (30.2±2.0) cm, (31.5±2.7) cm, (31.0±3.2) cm and (28.8±2.8) cm, respectively; fiber length were (6.7±1.8) cm, (9.2±2.0) cm, (8.8±1.6) cm and (9.0±1.5) cm, respectively; pinnate angle were (17.1±2.3)°, (18.6±2.3)°, (15.5±2.8)° and (10.5±1.6)°, respectively; cross sectional area were (22.4±3.1) cm2, (34.6±4.3) cm2, (53.8±5.8) cm2 and (32.5±4.6) cm2, respectively; the muscle spindle average densities were 19.38 number/g, 21.93 number/g, 20.18 number/g and 18.64 number/g, respectively. The nerve entering points in rectus femoris laid (10.23±0.97) cm and (14.48±1.12) cm below anterior superior iliac spine, respectively. The nerve entering points in vastus medialis laid (9.85±1.28) cm. The nerve entering points in vastus lateralis laid (11.88±1.34) cm and (13.98±2.55) cm, respectively. The nerve entering points in vastus intermedius laid (9.23±1.65) cm. Conclusion: The four parts of QF are all penniform muscle and the mainly production force muscle of knee joint′ s extension. The muscle architecture characteristic of QF is related to function closely. The muscle spindle distribution in different muscles and different compartments of same muscle is not homogeneous. The muscle spindle densities of superior portion in the four muscles of QF are higher than that of middle and inferior portion, respectively; The nerve entering points in QF centralized mainly in the No.2 region of the front upper part of thigh.
  [Key words] Nerve entering point; Muscle architecture; Muscle spindle; Quadriceps femoris; Human
  股四头肌是重要的伸膝关节肌,也是临床外科进行肌移植经常选用的肌之一,有关股四头肌的形态、血供、神经支配已有大量的研究 [1-3]。经查阅近10年文献,尚未见股四头肌肌构筑特征和肌梭密度的研究报道。本研究则通过对股四头肌的肌构筑和肌梭密度研究进一步探讨该肌产生张力的大小、缩短速度、位移幅度和功能等情况。旨在为临床外科对该肌进行肌移植时,提供较为详尽的形态学资料。
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 大体解剖法
  用经甲醛固定成尸20具,共40侧。暴露股四头肌,观察各个肌块的神经入肌点,并以髂前上棘为骨性标志,用游标卡尺测量股四头肌神经入肌点平面距髂前上棘的直线距离。将髂前上棘至髌骨上缘中点平面等距离分为5个区,以评价股四头肌神经入肌点的区域。完整取下两侧股四头肌各肌块(共160块)。去除肌表面脂肪和筋膜,观察肌的形态、肌束的起止点和走行,测量以下肌构筑学指数:肌质量(muscle weight,MW),肌长(muscle length,ML),肌纤维长(fiber length,FL),羽状角(θ),生理横切面积(cross sectional area,CSA),即:CSA=[肌质量(g)×cosθ]/[纤维长(cm)×肌密度(g/cm3)]。θ为羽状角,肌密度为假定值,即1.056 g/cm3[4]。本研究用标准化肌节长2.2 μm来校正肌纤维长,以消除尸体固定时髋关节和膝关节的角度位置对肌纤维长度的影响,以便肌块间的比较。
  1.2 组织学H-E染色法
  1.3 统计学方法
  应用SPSS 12.0软件对所得数据进行统计分析,采用t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
  2 结果
  2.1 股四头肌各肌块的肌构筑学特点
  2.2 神经入肌点的定位
  股四头肌各肌块的神经均是来自股神经的分支,均从肌的上部肌门处入肌,且神经入肌时都有血管伴行。股直肌的神经入肌点有2个,分别距髂前上棘下方(10.23±0.97) cm和(14.48±1.12) cm;股内侧肌的神经入肌点为(9.85±1.28) cm;股外侧肌有2个分别为(11.88±1.34) cm 和(13.98±2.55) cm;股中间肌的神经入肌点为(9.23±1.65) cm。股四头肌各肌块的神经入肌点均位于股前上部第2区内。
  2.3 肌梭分布
  股四头肌的股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌和股中间肌平均肌梭密度分别为:19.38个/g、21.93个/g、20.18个/g和18.64个/g。股四头肌各肌块的上部肌梭密度分别与各自中部和下部相比较有统计学意义(P   本研究探讨了人股四头肌肌构筑特征、肌梭分布以及对其神经入肌点进行了定位研究,结果可供临床外科进行股四头肌整肌或部分肌移植的选择提供了形态学依据。
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推荐访问:解剖学 意义 研究 股四头肌


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