

短语strikedown怎么样翻译1  英[straikdaun] 美[straɪkdaʊn]  基本解释  打倒,撞倒;打翻  相关例句  ph.  1.Hestrucktheguarddownw下面是小编为大家整理的短语strike,down怎么样翻译,菁选2篇,供大家参考。


短语strike down怎么样翻译1

  英 [straik daun] 美 [straɪk daʊn]


  打倒,撞倒; 打翻



  1. He struck the guard down with his fist.


短语strike down怎么样翻译2

  1. They will try to wear down the US army and lighten the pressure of direct strike on Baghdad.

  2. All these boil down to one thing, namely how to strike a balance between economic growth and fiscal austerity.

  3. Israel"s powerful Histadrut labor union launched a general strike yesterday, stopping international flights and shutting public services after talks with the government broke down.

  4. One survivor said he and another worker escaped the shed after they saw six others inside the shed knocked down by the lightning strike.

  5. This is not so much to strike down the home prices as to make our tax system fairer.

  6. The strike has shut down production on many TV series, had a growing effect on movie production and idled many industry workers.

  7. The Supreme Court"s Monday decision did not strike down the Chicago ban.

  8. In the session, troops from the two countries coordinated to strike down a terrorist base.

  9. A fairly common view is that the government should introduce measures to strike down housing prices so they become affordable.

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