

花生的英文名称表达形式1  1.Shouldundertaketransformingfromthefollowingrespectinthelightofthesephenomena:11.1re下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度花生英文名称表达形式,菁选2篇(范例推荐),供大家参考。



  1.Should undertake transforming from the following respect in the light of these phenomena: 11.1 reasonable intercrop popularize improved soil generally intercropping earthnut,soya bean,horsebean,vegetable,accomplish raise couple of the ground,photograph that use the land,in order to enhance soil fertility.1.2 promotion give birth to grass to help advance somebody"s career grown orange let it have its swing grows grass or sow grass of 100 happy event field,recycle chemistry drug weeds or cut cut down,make its cankered.


  2.Produce the earthnut of edible oil and soya bean,belong to farming the category of by-product.


  3.Look from nutrient value,palmy acerbity 7-10% is contained in soybean oil,tristearin acerbity 2-5%,earthnut acerbity 1-3%,oleic acid 22-30%,linoleic acid 50-60,5-9% of flax oleic acid.


  4.MethodsThe model of liver injury was induced by intraperitoneal injection of earthnut oil mixed with CCl4 (0.12%) and the serum and liver tissue were collected.


  5.injecting different dosage of earthnut oil mixed with CCL4 through celiac and leading to liver injured,the content of MDA and SOD of liver tissue and AST and ALT of blood serum in mice was measured in different time.


  6.MethodsThe model of liver injury was induced by intraperitoneal injection of earthnut oil mixed with CCl4 (0.12%) and the serum and liver tissue were collected.Biochemical indexes examination were detected.


  7.Conclusin: the model is comparatively stable by dosage of 10mL/kg and weight and injecting earthnut oil mixed with CCL4 (0.12%) through celiac after 13h.


  8.Any of various other plants,such as the peanut,similar to the earthnut.



  英[pi:nt] 美[pint]


  1.Experts had speculated that salmonella would be most likely to contaminate peanut butter as it cooled and was placed in jars.

  2.Minnesota investigators found the bacteria in the peanut butter was a genetic match to the bacteria making the people sick.

  3.The investigation includes not just peanut butter,but baked goods and other products that contain peanuts and are sold directly to consumers.

  4.To serve,cut the ice cream cake into wedges and top with Chocolate and Peanut Butter Sauce.

  5.That"s because she says the cat survived for 19 days with a peanut butter jar stuck on its head.

  6.Use a fork and drizzle ribbons of icing over the top of the cereal and peanut butter mixture.

  7.The American created his spicy treat by mixing chili paste with peanut butter and injecting chocolate inside.

  8.In a bit of horseplay Yang expertly smacked a peanut I lobbed his way,proving he"s as dangerous with a chopstick as he is a Louisville Slugger.

推荐访问:英文名称 花生 表达 花生英文名称表达形式 菁选2篇 花生的英文名称表达形式1 花生的英文名字是 一些花生的英文怎么写 关于花生的英文


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