

  Uncertain feeling of breast cancer patient and their relevance factorZHUANG Jun,LIN Jian-weiCheng Dou City Qing Bai Jiang District people hospital 610300�
  【Abstract】Objective:Investigation and discussion breast cancer is in hospital patient"s indeterminacy feels status and their main influencing factor.Methods:Adopt a questionnaire to inquire into law ,adopt the unified investigation language and investigation questionnaire to make an investigation by the experimentalist,all questionnaires make every effort to be filled in in person by patient,are to filled in as an agent behind the interview according to patient"s wish by self,pay attention to avoiding dropping a patient a hint if the patient has no way to fill in because physical power or cognition restricts.Results:The operation carrying out guarantor milk under the situation that patient state of illness accords with guarantor milk operation indication has the important effect to the psychology stabilizing a patient;Breast cancer is in hospital patient"s uncertain feeling of disease and hope assume the negative notable relevance;Uncertain feeling of population and two factors answer way with “knuckling under” all presenting being related to,all present to shoulder a relevance with “avoiding answering way”,explain that “knuckling under” is that inactivity of breast cancer patient answers way,indeterminacy that can aggravate a patient feels“,the indeterminacy ”avoiding being that the breast cancer patient answers way,but lightens a patient actively then“ feels.Conclusions:The adenocarcinoma is in hospital common existence of patient is extremely anxious,depressed mood,uncertain feeling and the extremely anxious,depressed memorial are notable be being related to,should guide a patient to get the bad mood,lessening off the chest feeling anxious,depressed nurse level,to reduce uncertain feeling of patient"s disease�
  【Key words】Breast cancer patient;Uncertain feeling situation;Relevance factor
  经临床、影像学和病理学检查确诊为乳腺癌;②年龄≥20岁;③对病情知情,并自愿参加本次调查;④患者神志清楚、能阅读文字或可以正确回答问题。排除标准:①乳腺癌出院患者;②年龄   1.2.3中文版Herth的希望量表(Herth hope index,HHI)由中国医科大学��[4]�翻译引入我国,内部一致性信度Cronbach"sα值为0.85。量表共12题,包括3个方面的内容:对现实与未来的积极态度(temporality and future,以下简写为T);采取的积极行动(positive readiness and expectancy,以下简写为P);与他人保持亲密的关系(interconnectedness,以下简写为I)。总分12-48分,其中12-23分者定义为低水平;24-35分者定义为中等水平;3648分者定义为高水平��[5]�。�
  1.2.4医学应对问卷(medical coping modes questionaire,MCMQ)��[3]�包括面对(8项)、回避(7项)、屈服(5项)3个维度。�
  1.2.5焦虑自评量表(self-rating anxiety scale,SAS)和抑郁自评量表self-rating depression scale,SDS)��[5]�。SDS和SDS均包括20个条目,主要评定依据为项目所定义的症状出现的频度。所应用量表中,MCMQ、SDS、SAS量表经大样本人群测试后证明具有较好的信度与效度,在国内心身医学领域应用已较为广泛。�

推荐访问:乳腺癌 不确定 及其相关 患者


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